These examples demonstrate "standard" row selection mode and "single" row selection mode.
Loading... | |||
03/24/1981 | Joe | Jenny | Check out my new pictures |
02/11/1980 | Jane | Jenny | Let's have lunch |
12/12/1978 | Ann | Jenny | Here's the info you requested |
02/11/1974 | Bob | Jenny | RE: Let's have lunch |
02/10/1974 | Charlie | Jenny | Birthday party Saturday |
1 | YAHOO.example.Data = { |
2 | emails: { |
3 | account:"", |
4 | currStorage: 10, |
5 | maxStorage: 200, |
6 | messages: [ |
7 | {XID: "9897",Date:new Date(1981, 2, 24),To:"Joe",From:"Jenny",Unread:false,Subject:"Check out my new pictures"}, |
8 | {XID: "7899",Date:new Date(1980, 1, 11),To:"Jane",From:"Jenny",Unread:false,Subject:"Let's have lunch"}, |
9 | {XID: "6789",Date:new Date(1978, 11, 12),To:"Ann",From:"Jenny",Unread:false,Subject:"Here's the info you requested"}, |
10 | {XID: "4996",Date:new Date(1974, 1, 11),To:"Bob",From:"Jenny",Unread:true,Subject:"RE: Let's have lunch"}, |
11 | {XID: "4544",Date:new Date(1974, 1, 10),To:"Charlie",From:"Jenny",Unread:false,Subject:"Birthday party Saturday"} |
12 | ] |
13 | } |
14 | } |
view plain | print | ? |
1 | /* custom styles for this example */ |
2 | .yui-skin-sam .yui-dt-body { cursor:pointer; } /* when rows are selectable */ |
3 | #single { margin-top:2em; } |
view plain | print | ? |
1 | <div id="standard"></div> |
2 | <div id="single"></div> |
view plain | print | ? |
1 | YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", function() { |
2 | YAHOO.example.RowSelection = new function() { |
3 | var myColumnDefs = [ |
4 | {key:"Date",formatter:YAHOO.widget.DataTable.formatDate, sortable:true}, |
5 | {key:"To", sortable:true}, |
6 | {key:"From", sortable:true}, |
7 | {key:"Subject", sortable:true} |
8 | ]; |
9 | |
10 | this.myDataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(YAHOO.example.Data.emails); |
11 | this.myDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON; |
12 | this.myDataSource.responseSchema = { |
13 | resultsList: "messages", |
14 | fields: ["Date","To","From","Subject","XID","Date","Attachment"] |
15 | }; |
16 | |
17 | this.standardSelectDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("standard", |
18 | myColumnDefs, this.myDataSource, { |
19 | caption:"Standard Row Selection with Support for Modifier Keys" |
20 | }); |
21 | |
22 | // Subscribe to events for row selection |
23 | this.standardSelectDataTable.subscribe("rowMouseoverEvent", this.standardSelectDataTable.onEventHighlightRow); |
24 | this.standardSelectDataTable.subscribe("rowMouseoutEvent", this.standardSelectDataTable.onEventUnhighlightRow); |
25 | this.standardSelectDataTable.subscribe("rowClickEvent", this.standardSelectDataTable.onEventSelectRow); |
26 | |
27 | // Programmatically select the first row |
28 | this.standardSelectDataTable.selectRow(this.standardSelectDataTable.getTrEl(0)); |
29 | // Programmatically bring focus to the instance so arrow selection works immediately |
30 | this.standardSelectDataTable.focus(); |
31 | |
32 | this.singleSelectDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("single", |
33 | myColumnDefs, this.myDataSource, { |
34 | caption:"Single-Row Selection with Modifier Keys Disabled", |
35 | selectionMode:"single" |
36 | }); |
37 | |
38 | // Subscribe to events for row selection |
39 | this.singleSelectDataTable.subscribe("rowMouseoverEvent", this.singleSelectDataTable.onEventHighlightRow); |
40 | this.singleSelectDataTable.subscribe("rowMouseoutEvent", this.singleSelectDataTable.onEventUnhighlightRow); |
41 | this.singleSelectDataTable.subscribe("rowClickEvent", this.singleSelectDataTable.onEventSelectRow); |
42 | |
43 | // Programmatically select the first row |
44 | this.singleSelectDataTable.selectRow(this.singleSelectDataTable.getTrEl(0)); |
45 | }; |
46 | }); |
view plain | print | ? |
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INFO 0ms (+0) 6:32:50 PM:
Logger initialized
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